28 February 2011


Spring is here again, love is in the air...

We had our first mayrose engagement last week, guests staying in Gooth cottage got engaged during their weekend here with us, we were so delighted.

15 February 2011

Spring Again

It's so great to see daffodils just coming up, and a wonderful display of snowdrops down by the lake.
Our new arrivals are settling in well, Alfie Whizz and Petal are delightful miniature Shetland Ponies.
We love them to bits and hope all our guests will....
Then tomorrow I'm fetching 25 ex battery hens to join us, having had all my laying hens foxed in the winter I thought it would be fantastic to give battery hens a life of luxury......

6 February 2011

Alfie Whizz is our latest pet at Mayrose
He's a minature Shetland Pony and ever so cute....

His friend also newly arrived is Petal

We hope our guets will love them too